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What Renters Want In Their Next Apartment

May 24, 2017

If you own an investment property in Charlotte, North Carolina, upgrades can make the difference in renting it out. Don’t skimp on the HVAC system and other upgrades to your property. You will rent it out faster and be able to charge a premium thanks to these upgrades. 

Updated Kitchen and Bathrooms

Older properties usually don’t have updated kitchens and bathrooms, and that’s a big turn-off for renters. By updating your kitchens, bathrooms, or both, you can charge a premium for your properties that many renters will gladly pay. If you can’t afford to completely renovate these two rooms, start by updating the hardware. It will still make an impact without the big price tag. 

Upgraded HVAC System

HVAC upgrades aren’t something a renter will notice immediately, but the idea of lower utility bills is certainly marketable to renters. If you pay for the utilities, then a new, energy-efficient system is a must. Even if your tenants pay their own utility bills, you’re more likely to get a renter by showing the energy savings they will see by renting your apartment because of the updated HVAC system

New Windows

Today’s renters care about energy savings, and old, leaky windows waste a lot of energy and make utility bills spike. Update the windows to make sure they don’t leak out or let in unwanted air. Renters will appreciate not having to weatherproof their windows with unsightly plastic. 

Hardwood Floors

Carpet is out and hardwood is in. Landlords have to replace the carpet about every seven years, but it might not even last that long. Save yourself the trouble and make your property more desirable by ripping out the carpet. If hardwood isn’t in your budget, many laminates look great and are also easier to take care of than carpet. 

If you need an upgraded system for your rental property, Bradham Brothers are the people to call. Contact us at (704) 912-1456 to speak to an experienced professional today.

Image provided by Shutterstock

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