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3 Thermostat Mistakes That Cost You Money

Thermostat Mistakes

The HVAC system in your Davidson, North Carolina, home has a thermostat that puts the control in your hands. However, if you’re not setting it properly or constantly adjusting it, your thermostat could be costing you a lot of extra money every month. Check out these common thermostat mistakes and how they can raise the monthly bills:

Setting the Thermostat Too High or Too Low

It’s not easy to manage temperature swings and changing seasons. That’s why you should set aside time to reprogram your thermostat at the start of each season.

When you set the thermostat too high or too low for the weather outside, your home can feel chilly or stuffy. Using too much energy to heat or cool a home will also cost you more every month.

The optimal temperature during the heating season is between 64 and 70 degrees. In the cooling season, the ideal temperature is around 78 degrees.

Turning the Thermostat Off

If you’re in the habit of turning your HVAC system off completely when you leave the house, it’s time to break this bad habit. It’s costing you extra money, because your system has to work harder to power on and off.

Allowing the heating or cooling system to do its job and reach a set temperature typically uses less energy. Keep it on, but set it lower (in the winter) or higher (in the summer) when you’re away or asleep.

Constantly Adjusting the Thermostat

Another money-wasting thermostat habit is constantly making manual adjustments to the temperature. If you don’t feel comfortable in your home, change the setting on the schedule instead of adjusting it multiple times per day.

By letting the system run without constantly changing the temperature, efficiency will improve. As a result, you’ll likely notice a decrease in your monthly bills.

Learn more about your HVAC system’s thermostat and how you can reduce energy waste by calling our experienced service technicians. Contact Bradham Comfort Services at (704) 912-1456 for more information.

Image provided by Shutterstock

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