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Preparing Your HVAC System for Fall

Prepare Your HVAC System For Fall

Summer is coming to an end in Charlotte, North Carolina, and the beautiful weather of fall is right around the corner. Although you’re about to shut down your air conditioner doesn’t mean you need to overlook HVAC maintenance. Changing the air filter and having the unit inspected are two excellent ways you can prepare for fall. Read on to learn more about how to prepare your HVAC system for the cooler months ahead.

Change the Air Filter

Changing the air filter is one of the simplest yet most effective ways you can prepare an HVAC system for fall. A dirty filter makes it hard for the HVAC system to heat and cool your home. As a result, it can not only worsen indoor air quality but also increase your energy bill.

You should change the air conditioner filter as soon as you shut the unit down. This ensures your AC system is ready to run once it’s time to turn it back on. Don’t forget to check the furnace filter, too. If it wasn’t changed at the end of the last heating season, you’ll need to replace it.

Inspect for Air Leaks

Even the smallest of holes in your home’s ductwork can increase energy bills. Those leaks will make it hard for the HVAC system to heat your home. This will cause your system to endure extreme wear and tear, and it can lead to costly repairs. Checking for holes and repairing them promptly is a must for preparing the HVAC system for fall. By doing so, you’ll benefit from greater energy efficiency.

Schedule Maintenance

Contact an HVAC specialist who specializes in preventive maintenance. He or she can inspect the furnace for heating problems, perform repairs, and make any necessary adjustments. This will optimize the efficiency of the system, reducing your heating bill throughout fall and winter months. Preventive maintenance is key to extending the life of the HVAC system, helping avoid a costly premature replacement.

Do you want to prepare your HVAC system for the heating season? Bradham Comfort Services specializes in quality HVAC installation and maintenance services. Contact us today at (704) 912-1456 to schedule your appointment.

Image provided by Shutterstock

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