Holiday Home Comfort

3 Home Comfort Tips for the Holidays

December 23, 2019

The holiday season is in full swing. As such, you’re probably preparing your Davidson, North Carolina, home for the arrival of extended family and other guests. Keep your home comfortable and energy bills low this year by learning how to keep warm air inside and dialing back the thermostat. Read on to learn more about these two home comfort tips for the holidays:

Keep Warm Air Inside

Keeping warm air inside your home will make your guests feel more comfortable and keep your energy costs low. However, there’s more to it than making sure windows and doors remain closed. You may have air leaks around the windows and doors of your home that consistently allow warm air to escape. You can seal air leaks by applying caulk around your windows and weatherstripping and adding door sweeps to your doors. These simple tasks will help maintain your desired indoor temperature.

If you use your fireplace during the winter, close the chimney damper after each use. Failing to do so is the equivalent of leaving a window open. Warm air will escape through the chimney, and your furnace will have to work harder to compensate for the heat loss. As a result, you’ll use more energy and spend more money on heating.

Dial Back the Thermostat

While you may be tempted to keep your indoor temperature higher than 70 degrees, you can save a fair amount of money on energy costs by dialing back the thermostat during the winter months. Be sure to dial back the thermostat even more when you host parties. Having more people in your home will naturally warm a room. Keep several cozy blankets nearby just in case a few guests feel a little chilly. Also, consider closing air vents or utilizing your thermostat’s zoning feature to avoid heating isolated rooms during parties to cut back on heating costs.

If you experience any issues with your heating system this winter, call Bradham Brothers, Inc. at (704) 912-1456. We will inspect and repair your system quickly so you can get back to enjoying the holidays with your friends and family.

Image provided by Shutterstock

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